We’re accredited by the INAB and meet rigorous international certification standards, delivering ISO expertise to assess and certify ISO standards. Accreditation is the process by which a certification body is recognised to offer certification services.
To become accredited, Amtivo is required to implement a Quality Management System which is assessed by an Independent Authorised Body to determine that it meets International Standards. We’re audited annually to ensure our services meet the exact requirements of the relevant accreditation standards.
ISO 22301 certification provided by Amtivo is accredited by UKAS.
ISO 22301:2019 is the second edition of the ISO 22301 standard for Business Continuity Management Systems.
ISO 22301 is best suited to organisations that do not have the luxury of managing downtime without disruption. IT companies, for example, cannot afford outages as this could mean the difference in clients moving to competitors that seem more reliable. As markets grow more competitive implementing systems like ISO 22301 can mean the difference in retaining and growing your client base.
In recent years we have seen other industries such as construction and the public sector implement the standard. If your organisation needs to reassure clients, staff, and stakeholders that you have a plan in place to manage disruptions that minimise downtime, then ISO 22301 certification is the perfect option.
The ISO 22301 standard lasts for three years and is subject to mandatory audits every year to ensure compliance. At the end of the three years, you will be required to complete a reassessment audit to receive the standard for an additional three years.