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Why Organisations Should Become ISO 50001 Certified

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Why should organisations get ISO 50001 certified?

With the focus on our economy now clearly defined on lowering our carbon Footprint, ISO 50001:2018 is going to be more important than ever before. As organisations worldwide move to lower Carbon Emissions and with ambitious targets in place across Europe the goal is to become Carbon Neutral by 2050 and indeed be the first continent to achieve this goal. 

What is ISO 50001:2018?

ISO 50001 Energy Management System Certification provides a framework for establishing energy management best practice to help organisations to improve their energy efficiency plus make a return on investment by implementing ISO 50001. The standard enables organisations to establish the systems and processes necessary to improve energy performance, including energy efficiency, use, and consumption.

What are cost saving ISO 50001?

The added incentive of getting certified to ISO 50001 Energy Standard is clear as not only will it lower your Carbon Footprint but the savings in monetary terms are clear to see with an average saving of ten percent of your energy costs over the three-year cycle of your certification. 

Amtivo, formerly Certification Europe, will assess you and through our professional approach and understanding of the requirements for continual improvement within your organisation, we will work to ensure that the Organisations which we assess will achieve the maximum benefit of lowering overall energy costs while also reducing carbon emissions. At a time globally where Emissions and Global Warming are making daily headlines, it is important that we all collectively play our part in line with the targets set by Government to reduce Emissions while not downplaying the cost saving on Energy expenditure for your Organisation.

What ISO 50001 public training courses are available?

Amtivo delivers a two-day implementation training course that covers all aspects of the standard. This course delivers the skills and knowledge to enable participants to successfully implement and manage the ISO 50001:2018 standard.  

Amtivo also delivers a 2-day Internal Auditor Training course giving you the skills you require to assess an effective management system against the requirements of the ISO 50001:2018 standard. 

The overall cost of the certification will be a fraction of your savings on energy costs over the 3-year period of Certification. 

Our Trainers are well known throughout the industry and experts in the ISO 50001:2018 standard having Audited the standard for many years and provided much needed expertise in various lectures and forums worldwide. Our courses are run annually and open to all interested parties while we also run the various courses as an in-house option for many of our clients who wish to have a number of their colleagues trained together, our dedicated sales team are on hand to give much needed advice on the processes involved in Certification and training and provide an insight into what is involved in Certification to ISO 50001:2018. 

Holly Fitzpatrick

Written by

Holly Fitzpatrick

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Amtivo Group (Formerly Certification Europe and EQA) - Worker in a data centre