We’re accredited by the INAB and meet rigorous international certification standards, delivering ISO expertise to assess and certify ISO standards. Accreditation is the process by which a certification body is recognised to offer certification services.
To become accredited, Amtivo is required to implement a Quality Management System which is assessed by an Independent Authorised Body to determine that it meets International Standards. We’re audited annually to ensure our services meet the exact requirements of the relevant accreditation standards.
ISO 45001 certification provided by Amtivo is accredited by INAB (Irish National Accreditation Board).
ISO 45001:2018 is the updated version of the standard for occupational health and safety. It was updated in March 2018 from its predecessor OHSAS 18001.
ISO 45001 follows the high-level structure approach (Annex SL) applied to other ISO management system standards, such as ISO 9001 (quality) and ISO 14001 (environment). In developing the standard, consideration has been given to the content of other international standards.
Those adopting the standard should find its requirements consistent with the other standards. This allows for relatively easy alignment and integration with the requirements of other ISO management system standards into an organisation’s overall management processes.
The simple answer is all industries! If your organisation has people working on its behalf or who may be affected by its activities, then using a systematic approach to managing health and safety will prove beneficial. The standard can be used by small, low-risk operations and by high risk and large, complex organisations.
While the standard requires that OH&S risks be addressed and controlled, it also takes a risk-based approach to the OHSMS to ensure that it is effective and improved to meet an organisation’s ever-changing needs. This risk-based approach is consistent with the way organisations manage other business risks and encourages the integration of the standard’s requirements into organisations’ overall management processes.
According to the 2022 ISO survey, the construction industry had the highest number of ISO 45001 certificates, closely followed by wholesale & retail trade, electrical equipment and engineering services. Recently, we have seen an increase in organisations within the pharmaceuticals and food industries opting for ISO 45001 certification.
ISO 45001:2018 certification will last for three years and is subject to mandatory surveillance assessments to ensure compliance. At the end of the three years, your organisation will need to complete a recertification assessment to become re-certified to the standard.