Implementing an Information Security Management System (ISMS) is at the heart of our online ISO 27001 certification training.

Our ISO 27001 training course has been developed specifically for lead implementers by INAB accredited ISO certification practitioners. It equips you with a detailed understanding of the main ISO Clauses and the role and implementation of an Information Security Management System. It provides a foundation for getting your business ready to implement an ISMS and apply for ISO certification

ISO 27001 training details:

  • Suited to employees responsible for building an ISO 27001 ISMS.
  • Professional learning from experienced ISO practitioners.
  • Outlines the implementation process and ISO Security Clauses.
  • Explains the ISO 27001 certification process, audits and survey.
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What Is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is an internationally recognised standard for information security within organisations. It provides the framework for an effective ISMS, helping your business reduce the risk of data breaches, increase compliance with GDPR and data protection regulations, and increase standing with customers.

The standard is built on robust information security processes and policies, active monitoring and measuring, and a commitment to continuous improvement. It encompasses human resources, IT systems, asset management and access control through to managing supplier relationships and business continuity in the event of an adverse data incident.

Learn more about our ISO 27001 Information Security Management services.

Why Take Our ISO 27001 Training?

Organisations are capturing, storing and processing increasingly large amounts of sensitive data.

ISO 27001 certification demonstrates your organisation has a robust ISMS in place and is a trusted business that can securely handle sensitive, third-party, financial, intellectual property and personal data.

Who Should Take an ISO 27001 Training Course?

Our ISO 27001 training course is aimed at employees, managers and contractors leading on the implementation of ISO 27001. It is suitable for all levels within an organisation and is ideal for project managers, department heads and ISO 27001 lead implementers responsible for gaining certification.

No previous or specialist knowledge is required for our ISO 27001 training, and our learning platform includes helpful guidance and advice to support your learning.

Course Aims and Outcomes

By completing our ISO 27001 course, you’ll be able to:

  • Understand the ISO 27001 standard, definitions and origins.
  • Define implementation processes, including risk-based thinking and the ISO process approach.
  • Understand the structure of ISO 27001, including the evidence required to demonstrate compliance.

ISO 27001 Training Duration

Our ISO 27001 training course duration is 60 minutes, and you can complete the course at your own pace.

ISO 27001 Training Content

  1. Introduction
    Understand the basics of the standard, including how it is defined, its origins and an overview of its purpose.
  2. Benefits
    Learn about the benefits of implementing ISO 27001, including protecting sensitive data, adhering to GDPR and data protection regulations, and qualifying for preferred status contractors and tendering for contracts that require certification.
  3. Implementation
    Our learning provides a foundation for implementing an ISMS and achieving certification, with modules covering:

    • Defining goals – the importance of aligning ISO certification with business goals.
    • ISMS Elements – learn the elements of an Information Security Management System from scope to certification.
    • Risk-based thinking – discover how to evaluate security risks, their threats and potential effects.
    • Processes – understand a process approach to effective ISMS implementation.
    • Plan Do Check Act – learn how the Plan Do Check Act process supports ISMS design and operation.
  4. Security Clauses
    Gain an understanding of the main ISO Security Clauses, categories and security controls needed for certification including:

    • Information security policies
    • Information security organisation
    • Human resource security
    • Asset management
    • Access control
    • Cryptography
    • Physical and environmental security
    • Operations security
    • Communications security
    • Systems acquisition, development and maintenance
    • Supplier relationships
    • Information security incident management
    • Information security aspects of business continuity
    • Compliance
  5. Structure
    Understand the main ISO 27001 Clauses, such as operations and performance monitoring, measuring and analysing, which make up the structure of the standard.
  6. Certification
    Learn how your organisation can gain certification, including building an information security management system, and the role auditing stages and surveillance surveys play.

How the course is delivered

Our ISO 27001 training is delivered online, and you can learn at your own pace. Courses can be accessed using a web browser over broadband on laptop and desktop PCs and mobile devices such as tablets. You can save your progress, and organisation-wide training can be recorded as part of ISO audits.

Our platforms support organisational learning, allowing course performances to be recorded and monitored. Our software helps you build your ISO management system as part of all new certification, with access to ISO experts, guides and downloading audit plans and reports.

We offer a range of courses, from CQI and IRCA QMS Lead-Auditor courses to our own one-day ISO awareness courses across the UK. We support your certification process with in-house training, with bespoke training available.