Welcome to Amtivo in Ireland, formerly Certification Europe and EQA

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ISO Buyer’s Guide

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  • No extra or hidden fees
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After implementing an ISO management system, you need to pick out an assessment body to conduct the certification process. There are many things to consider when making this decision, which can make it a more complex task than you might think.

Download our ISO Guide to discover how you can simplify the certification process. We look at some of the common mistakes that organisations make when choosing an ISO certification body and provide tips to make sure you’ve made the right choice.

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What Does the ISO Guide Contain?

Our ISO Guide helps you choose a certification body to complete your ISO implementation project. This might seem like a simple, final task after rigorously adopting and testing your management system, but it requires the same level of care as any other part of the process.

Each certification body operates in its own way and has its own terms of service. You should find one that meets your needs, and our free ISO Guide Checklist helps you do that. It contains a set of questions you should ask when reviewing a certification body, such as:

  • Does the certification body have the correct accreditation?
  • Can you expect to receive good service?
  • Is the length of your contract appropriate?
  • Are there any additional fees you should be aware of?
  • How are extra payments handled for closing non-conformities?

You’ll also receive tips to help you make smart choices and find out how Amtivo can help you achieve certification.

Why Is Certification Important?

When implementing a management system, you should follow the specifications set out by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization). These standards establish domain-specific best practices to ensure that organisations operate safely and effectively.

But to make the most of these standards, you should seek accredited certification. Whether focusing on information security or quality management, occupational health and safety, or environmental management, ISO certification demonstrates that your practices meet internationally recognised benchmarks.

Certification will help you:

  • Win new business.
  • Save on business costs.
  • Raise your company profile.
  • Stand out from competitors.

Read more about the benefits of ISO certification.

Holly Fitzpatrick

Written by

Holly Fitzpatrick

Get Started on Your Certification Journey Now

Your certification costs will depend on the size of your business, location, and the sector you’re in.

Amtivo Group (Formerly Certification Europe and EQA) - Worker in a data centre