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ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Benefits

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According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 5,190 fatal work injuries were recorded in the United States in 2021, equating to a U.S. worker dying every 101 minutes from a work-related incident—with 2.6 million workers suffering from non-fatal workplace injury and illness in the same year.

Prioritizing workplace health and safety should be paramount for every employer who wants to ensure compliance with local workforce safety laws, protect workers from harm, and boost brand reputation.

Employers have a legal, ethical, and moral responsibility to mitigate the risk of work-induced injuries, illnesses, and fatalities as much as possible. One of the most effective ways to accomplish this is by implementing an effective Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OH&S) to ISO 45001 standard.

Discover the benefits of ISO 45001 and how an occupational health and safety management system can benefit your business.

occupational health and safety management system benefits

ISO 45001-Certified Occupational Health and Safety Management System

An ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management system is an internationally recognized standard that provides a framework for organizations, big and small, to effectively manage and mitigate health and safety risks that arise in the workplace. It provides a clear framework that institutions can use to implement effective health and safety procedures, and was developed by the International Organization for Standardization.

Organizations certified with ISO 45001 can benefit from a safer work environment, reducing the risk of legal claims with fewer workplace incidents, and standing out from the competition with a more reputable corporate image.

Compliance with ISO 45001 ensures your organization adheres to industry best practices, and ISO 45001 helps support compliance with various U.S. health and safety regulations, such as the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act) and the Hazard Communication Standard (HazCom).

Benefits of an Occupational Health and Safety Management System

Helps You Stay Legally Compliant 

One of the most important benefits of ISO 45001 is that it allows organizations to remain up-to-date with workplace health and safety laws applicable to their industry and state.

It provides a framework for regular risk assessments and to proactively identify potential nonconformities with workplace safety regulations. If risks are identified, ISO 45001’s framework can be used to help employers take action to rectify health and safety risks with mechanisms for identifying, reporting, and monitoring risks and incidents. Centralized access to documentation and processes can help remedial action be effectively deployed to address issues.

Helps To Better Monitor Company Performance

The ISO 45001 standard encourages careful operational monitoring and measurement of occupational health and safety procedures.

Employers can gain valuable insights from monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure incident rates, such as employee injuries or workplace-induced illnesses. These insights can allow employers to identify hazards and common underlying causes.

benefits of ISO 45001

Improved Staff Productivity 

Implementing ISO 45001 in your workplace may help to lessen the risk of work-induced injuries and illnesses, removing ineffective or unsafe practices that threaten employees’ health and safety and allowing them to work in a positive, consistent, and productive manner.

With less stoppage due to employee injuries or illness, businesses can benefit from increased productivity and more working days from their workforce.

Clearly Defined Objectives 

The ISO 45001 framework can help you better understand your organization’s goals and performance in relation to workplace safety.

For example, a construction company certified with ISO 45001 may be better placed to consider factors that pose a threat to health and safety, such as the type of construction work, equipment, site conditions, and worker operations, successfully mitigating health and safety risks.

This can provide a pathway to clearly defined objectives and KPIs, allowing a business to record, monitor, and measure improvements.

Enhance Customer Trust 

Obtaining ISO 45001 certification doesn’t just reassure your employees that your organization prioritizes health and safety; it communicates to your customers and stakeholders that you’re actively assessing and reducing risks of harm and lost productivity.

Investors are increasingly assessing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria as part of investment strategies; ISO 45001 demonstrates a commitment to ESG that positively impacts workers and the wider community.

Access to Contracts

ISO 45001 certification can be a requirement when submitting responses to commercial contracts and tenders. As it is internationally recognized, contracting agencies such as government bodies can be assured that your operations meet the required healthy and safety criteria.

health and safety workers

Reduce Costs

Implementing an effective occupational health and safety management system can help to cut down on your organization’s overall costs.

Cost savings can result from improved productivity, avoiding fines for noncompliance, and reduced litigation from employees injured in the workplace. More efficient systems, such as centralized access to documentation, can reduce administration costs and improve efficiencies.

Lower Insurance Premiums

Being certified with ISO 45001 can reduce the number of incidents in the workplace and subsequent insurance claims. Some insurance providers may offer lower insurance premiums due to a certified occupational health and safety management system.

Competitive Advantage

ISO 45001 demonstrates a commitment to workplace health and safety—and it can be a deciding factor when clients select suppliers. Construction and manufacturing companies with an effective OH&S management system may be viewed as a safer bet with less risk to client reputation and supply chain operations.

Amtivo, formerly Orion Registrar, helps your company achieve ISO 45001 certification with our complete certification services. We also offer specialized ISO 9001 courses to boost your quality management skills.

Learn what is ISO 45001 in our essential guide. 

Contact Amtivo for a quote on achieving ISO 45001 certification today, and download our free ISO 45001 checklist to get started.


Get Started on Your Certification Journey Now

Your certification costs will depend on the size of your business, location, and the sector you’re in.

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