Welcome to Amtivo in the United States, formerly Orion Registrar, ASR and CMA.

Orion Logo ASR Logo CMA - Amtivo

Meet the Amtivo Team

Meet some of our Amtivo leadership team in the United States.

Paul Levett

Paul Levett

Chief Customer Officer, Amtivo Group

[email protected]

Julian Russell

Julian Russell

Chief Product Officer, Amtivo Group

[email protected]

Richelle Kinzie - Amtivo US

Richelle Kinzie

Service Delivery Director

[email protected]

Dave Gawlak - Amtivo US

Dave Gawlak

Director, Strategic Accounts

[email protected]

Eric Sander

Eric Sander

Financial Controller

[email protected]

John Birkmeier

John Birkmeier

Director of Sales

[email protected]

David English

David English

Group Marketing Director, Amtivo Group

[email protected]

Jordan Stark, Amtivo US employee

Jordan Stark

Client Services Manager

[email protected]

Elsa Zarate - Amtivo US employee

Elsa Zarate

Certification Scheme Manager (Recycling)

[email protected]

Tom Droog

Tom Droog

Aerospace and Automotive Program Manager

[email protected]

Melissa Smith

Melissa Smith

Automotive Audit Manager

[email protected]

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7502W, 80th Avenue, STE. 225 Arvada, Colorado 80003-2128
Office Hours – 8 am to 5 pm MST

Contact Us