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Amtivo Client Portal User Guide

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How To Use The Amtivo Client Portal

The short video below demonstrates how to use the Amtivo client portal in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step format. The instructions within the video ensure that Amtivo clients have the support and confidence needed to easily use the portal to view their certificates, access downloads, and manage their nonconformities (where relevant) – all in one place, to assist in driving their business forwards.

Instructions For Use

Instructions within the video include how to achieve the following actions within the client portal:

  • Log in to the portal.
  • View your certifications.
  • Access and manage your nonconformities.
  • Submit a response to a nonconformity, and view its status.
  • Download paperwork, certificates, address details and certification logos.

User Guide Video

Important Portal Access Information

The first time you want to access the portal, you will need to create a new password. These are the steps for doing so:

  1. Select the Client Login menu option at the top of the page, on the right hand side.
  2. Once on the login page, simply select the reset password link.
  3. Enter your Client Reference Number (If you haven’t got this, please contact your Account Manager).
  4. Enter your email address.
  5. You will be sent an email containing a unique link for creating your new password, which you can then use to login. If you do not receive the email within 10 minutes, please check your spam folder.

Where To Get Support

Should you require further portal-related support, please contact us.

At Amtivo we seek to deliver the best possible user experience to make the management of certifications as easy as possible. This is why we provide all of our clients with a wide variety or resources to help them manage their certification and improve their business performance. Please take a look at our Resources and Training pages for more details.

Get Started on Your Certification Journey Now

Your certification costs will depend on the size of your business, location, and the sector you’re in.

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