We’re accredited by the INAB and meet rigorous international certification standards, delivering ISO expertise to assess and certify ISO standards. Accreditation is the process by which a certification body is recognised to offer certification services.
To become accredited, Amtivo is required to implement a Quality Management System which is assessed by an Independent Authorised Body to determine that it meets International Standards. We’re audited annually to ensure our services meet the exact requirements of the relevant accreditation standards.
ISO 20000-1 certification provided by Amtivo is accredited by APMG.
This ISO standard is the latest version of ISO 20000-1 and is updated from the original 2011 standard. At Amtivo, we certify organisations to the most up-to-date ISO standards available to ensure we are meeting the most current requirements.
An increasing number of organisations are implementing an IT SMS based around ISO 20000-1. It is a popular standard across many sectors but, in particular, the IT, transport, storage & communications industries hold the highest number of certifications to this standard. Other industries with a number of ISO 20000-1 certifications include Shipbuilding, Financial Intermediation, Real Estate, Renting, Public Administration and Engineering.
ISO 20000-1 provides an overarching framework for your organisation to deliver an effective IT service management system.
You should gather together members of your organisation so you can devise a comprehensive plan, strategy, policy, procedures, and controls to give your organisation an effective system into which you can then implement this standard. There are checklists available online to get started, or some organisations choose to work with a consultant to begin the process of implementing a management system. Once this has been achieved, you’re ready to begin the journey to certification.
The IT Service Management Standard lasts for three years and is subject to mandatory assessments to ensure compliance. At the end of the three years, you will be required to complete a reassessment.